How Celadrin® And Glucosamine Work Together

  • Inflammation, insufficient lubrication, and lack of cell membrane fluidity can cause wear on the joint area.
  • Glucosamine is clinically studied to increase the range of motion and relieve pain at the same rate as Ibuprofen.
  • Glucosamine assists in rebuilding cartilage and the overall structure of the joint. However, it’s shown only moderate effects on people affected by osteoarthritis.
  • Celadrin lubricates the cell membrane continuously, enabling it to repel inflammatory chemicals.
  • Celadrin stops the cascade of inflammation and assaults on the membrane.
  • Celadrin empowers glucosamine to perform faster and more efficiently in building joint cartilage.
  • The synergistic dual-action of Celadrin and glucosamine provides rapid joint cushioning, quickly alleviating inflammation, building cartilage and restoring the entire joint area.

Study Conclusion:

Glucosamine and Celadrin may inhibit platelet aggregation in some individuals via aspirin-like effects as well as inhibition of ADP receptor P2Y1.

Study Design and Outcome:

  • Based on 24 participants
  • 5 of 24 participants had at least a 20% difference in platelet aggregation
  • 7 participants had statistically significant difference in platelet aggregation
  • Baseline values obtained by whole blood aggregation assays


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